Monday, September 17, 2007
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Oh Wait.....
I feel sorry for her. She has 3 kids. What a nightmare. At least I don't have THAT to contend with! Yet.
I Need To Update........
Elderspawn got some of the chest congestion as well but he fights it off a whole lot easier. He never ran the fevers either. I lucked out and didn't get sick but there were a few others who did that were out there that weekend. This just teaches us not to go camping in the cool, wet weather, eh!?!
Elderspawn's loving school, he has a few new crushes this year already, and has had a ton of homework almost every night thus far. At least I've learned my son isn't gay :)
I finally heard from the bus company I had applied at. Seems all the full time positions are filled and they're only offering 20 hours a week IF they don't get the positions filled in beforehand. Needless to say, I turned them down. Oh well, I'll keep on hitting different places. I'll see if I can come up with something better than what I have now.
Sorry folks, that's all I've got in me right now. Maybe I'll be better writing later.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
What A Catch
Youngerspawn was out there Friday afternoon, all night Friday night and all day Saturday until about 5 p.m. Then my dad called and asked if he wanted to come over and spend the night with them. He fished, played hard, got all muddy and soaking wet but never tired out. He decided to spend the night with my mom and dad Saturday night. Everyone in the pack knows him as and calls him pigpen. And everyone kept an eye on him. We've had over 12 inches of rain just in the month of August this year and our rivers are over flowing. And we were camping out right on the river's edge.
Elderspawn and I went with our Webelos group. We completed achievements, earned belt loops, built a council campfire and had a blast together.

The most fun and excitement came when one of the members from our pack, who is an Eagle Scout himself, yells for us all to come over. Then he proceeds to show us his catch of the day. A snapping turtle. The boys thought it was really cool. They learned were taught not to get near one though, as they have very long necks and very strong jaws and can crush your bones should one get a hold of you.

Welp, I've got a ton of laundry to do. At least the gear's all cleaned up and put away! TTFN!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
But Mom's Not Ready
I've been scrambling the past month trying to get everything both spawn needs for school. Registration fees (which went up $22.00 each this year), school physicals (one's in Pre-K the other's in 5th), clothes (pants needing hemming), undies, socks, shoes, school supplies, getting their bus schedules - youngerspawn's is screwed up as they have him in Kindergarten and going all day when he's in Pre-K going in the mornings only. Fuck. It is getting too expensive to send my kids to school anymore. Of course both of them outgrew all of their school clothes from last year so we had to start from scratch this year.
I had one hell of a time finding gym shoes for Elderspawn. 4 different stores. He wears a size 5 and the shoes can't be black soled. And he can't tie shoes. Yeah right. Try to find something that will fit that bill and not be a shoe that has to be tied. He's 10 and isn't able to tie shoes because of his medical issues. We ended up with a pair with black soles that are non-marking and they slip on and off. They'll just have to deal with it. He ended up with a pair that ties to wear to school. Grau will have to help him with them in the mornings.
Tomorrow I'm going to have to take the day off of work and go up to Elderspawn's school to set up his lunch account and get him settled in. It's supposed to be raining even more all night long and I'm not letting him stand out in the rain with a backpack stuffed full and a bag with his gym shoes in it. Then I have to take Youngerspawn to his school to meet with his teacher on the first day of school. We have to bring in all his school supplies tomorrow too. He then will start on Friday. I also have to fix his bus schedule with his school as they were the ones who screwed it up in the first place.
Oh, and this weekend (starting Friday after school through Sunday morning) is our annual Cub Scout Pack Campout. Yeah. The weekend right after school starts. Shit. Now I'm scrambling to try and get everything put together for that shindig. Thanks a lot guys. We couldn't have done it earlier this month, huh!?!
I think I've managed to get everything they need to start off with. If not, it looks like yet another trip to the store for me.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Laughing Out Loud
Basic requirements for the position:
1. Ability to be able to sit for up to 5 hours a day: I have no problems warming a seat with my ass. I'd welcome it for a change.
2. Must be able to lift 35-40 pounds in and out of a bus seat if you drive a special education bus - 35-40 lbs. only!?! Holy shit!!!! Not sure if I can manage that light of an amount. **sarcasm**
3. Must be able to maneuver and adjust a wheelchair and a ramp: Hell, If I had to, I could heave one on and off a bus, no problem. Know how many I've had to heave in and out of people's car trunks? I've even put them together and repaired them. Now, I've never had to use a wheelchair ramp before but I've helped get people on and off of them and have seen them used.
4. Must be able to get from the front of the bus to the emergency door in the back in a timely fashion: Ever see me run on a STAT call!?! I can move when I have to.
5. Must be able to push, pull or drag people up to 200 pounds: This would be rough but I've had to do mock evacuations and fire drills before and I can do it if I have to.
6. Must be able to climb up and down stairs, 3 at a time, on a school bus: For some people this would be very difficult but luckily I don't have any issues doing this.
7. Must be able to push the accelerator on a school bus: I'm sure it's quite different than in a car but once I get used to it I sure hope that bus has cruise control. LOL!
8. Must be able to set and release a parking brake repeatedly: Yeah, I can do it just fine, but it probably starts taking a toll on the elbow and shoulder. I do believe that it's a hand brake on a bus.
9. Must be able to push a clutch: Funny, it never said anything about being able to drive a manual transmission though. You've got to know how to shift gears correctly so you don't strip out that transmission. Most of the buses are now automatics and some even come with a/c.
10. Would you work overtime if asked: Um, working for an employer where 40 hours a week is taboo, yeah you bet I'd take some of that. But I'm not getting it all dumped on me.
Other than having a clean background check, a clean driving record, you're not an alcoholic, a drug addict or a sex offender these are what are required of you to do this job.
What had me laughing so hard, and yes I was laughing as I filling out the application, were some of the above top 10 requirements. Having been a C.N.A. for the past 13 years, this pales in comparison.
The best part is they do all of the classroom and driving training for one to obtain their CDL license. They even pay you $8.00 an hour while you're in the training classes (40 hours). It's not much, but it's better than having to do it for nothing. And they reimburse most of the cost for the CDL license as well.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
F.T.A., Last Day, I Promise

All in all is was a very hot and tiring yet fun week for me. The kids had a blast and for some reason not one single person irritated me at all. Usually I find at least one person who is so rude I just want to ram them over with Youngerspawn's stroller. I must just be getting more mellow as I get older.
And the spawn never once wanted to play games or go on rides today. The only ride to be had out there was one pony ride for YS. Heck, they never enough started squabbling out there today. I think they finally got faired out!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Driving Bus And Me
Anywho, I went there to obtain my bus certificate. I have to have one before I can apply for a school bus driving position. 40 minutes later my number was finally called. When I approached the lady behind the counter I simply stated that I would like to get my bus certificate. A simple glazed and dazed look was all I got in response. This woman, who works for the DMV, had no friggen clue what I was talking about. It was as if I was speaking a foreign language she didn't understand.
When she was finally able to speak I get: "What are you here for again." Again, I repeated myself then told her I needed it in order to apply for a job. This time, I also told her who I was applying for and that I needed 2 forms instead of just the 1. Again the same exact glazed and dazed look I got the first time. Luckily, the man standing next to her heard me the second time and knew exactly what I was talking about and what I needed.
After she examined my driver's license and got everything punched into the computer she sent me over to yet a second line to have the forms printed out and I pay the $12.00 fee there.
I get over there and the man behind the counter asks me if she examined my driver's license and if the certificates were for work or for court. Ummmm, work. Nope, no traffic infractions. No DUI's. See! Look at my driving record. All it says is "end of report." Nothing there.
Well, now this means I can go and apply on Monday. If I get hired then I'll have to head over to the Rockford DMV, which I prefer to call the clusterfuck, to take the written and driving tests to obtain my CDL. Plus, there's an additional written test to take for a bus driver CDL. It's either there or in DeKalb. I'll take Rockford since I don't know anything about DeKalb. And I'm nervous because I don't fair well with written tests. This should prove to be interesting, to say the least.
Again, wish me good luck! I'm gonna need it!
Fair Time, Already, Yet Another Day

Thursday, August 9, 2007
Fair Time, Already Part Deux
Well, this is the response I get: "But mom, I feel fine." "I really want to go back out to the fair for kid's day so I can ride rides." "Please, mom, I'll be good out there."
Oh, geez, play the ole sappy I'll be good trick with me, would ya huh!?!
Well, geesh, of course it worked on me. The only response I could mutter was: "Are you sure you feel alright?" Knowing full well by looking at his eyes he really didn't. He had the black under his eyes from his sinuses being so plugged up.
Needless to say, we got out there about 1:30 this afternoon. We walked around for awhile, sat in the tent for awhile, YS and I ate while ES refused anything to eat at all. NOT my spawn again!
Around 3 ish YS is getting antsy to ride rides. My aunt gave us 12 leftover ride tickets she had and we headed out, this time it was just me and the spawn.
Well, ES and YS went on a bigger ride together then ES went on a ride by himself that YS is too little to go on. As soon as ES walks through the exit gate he tells me that he's done with rides. I KNEW IT. He's feeling like shit again.
Later on, after YS rode all the rides he wanted to ride and the spawn played a few games, we decided to head back to our tent for a rest. It was around 4:45 by now and the reduced rides end at 5:00 anyway. ES decided he was finally hungry and ordered some nachos and cheese. He ate half of it and said he was full. This is my kid who normally can put away 3 hotdogs on buns in one sitting and still want more. This kid eats me out of house and home :) Oh, so, NOT my spawn.
YS got an order of nachos and cheese as well only eating half of them and I got myself an elephant ear with cherry pie filling on top of it. Delicious!
We left the fair around 5:15 and after a potty break we arrived at the car about 5:30. I turned around in the car and told ES that the immediate care clinic is open until 9 or 10 tonight and I can still take him.
But, why mom, I feel fine is the response I keep on getting. This kid could have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel before he'd admit to feeling sick enough to go to the doctor. I think I'm just going to have to hog tie and tar and feather that child and force him to go. Again he's all plugged up and starting to feel warm again. He really doesn't like doctors. He thinks they're all going to stick that swab in his throat for a strep culture.
Worst thing is, because ES wasn't his normal self, I didn't get any pics from the fair this year. I didn't feel like bothering with the camera. And this year he was too tall to ride the smaller rides with his brother, the ones he was willing to ride because he really felt that shitty........
Oh, I almost forgot to mention that this morning YS woke up really early, snuck downstairs, got a hold of my salt water taffy and damn near devoured a full pound of the sticky stuff. And he never got sick on it. Explains why he didn't eat a whole lot at the fair.....
Fair Time, Already
Of course it is the big hurrah for the spawn to go to. It's pretty much the last biggest thing we do during the summer, except we'll be camping out in a couple of weeks with the scouts, before school starts back up.
Yesterday and today were both kid's days where the rides are reduced. Yeah, at our fair each ticket costs $1.50 and some of the rides take 5 tickets each to ride on for a total cost of $7.50 a pop. This is why we go on kid's days only when it only takes one ticket per ride.
Yesterday, we got out there around 1:00, an hour after the rides started up. The spawn were all gung ho to get going on those rides, but alas mom simply told them "not until I have our old time photo taken of us first. I want you boys clean!" We got through that and headed out to the midway. I bought 10 tickets for $15.00 for rides figuring if I needed more I could always get more later. Good thing I only got 10 of them cuz Elderspawn decided to start feeling icky and only rode 1 ride, went through the crazy fun house then proceeded to hand me the rest of his tickets while telling me to give them to Youngerspawn. THIS IS NOT MY SPAWN!!!! He would NEVER share his tickets with his brother.
After I managed to burn through the remainder of the ride tickets and the spawn played a handful of games, we headed off to get a bite to eat. Corndogs for me, YS and my mom and hotdogs for ES. Then we all decided we all needed some creme puffs. I think they keep making them things bigger every year! YS had problems eating all of his, so I got to finish his off as well. Delicious.
We walked around a bit, YS, my mom and I had some roasted ears of bi-color corn but not ES he refused his favorite vegetable, especially on the cob, bought some candied mixed nuts for Graumagus, some salt water taffy for me and decided to call it a night. It was around 6:30 at this time and ES just wanted to go home at this point. Again, this is NOT my spawn!
As we were leaving, YS decided that some ice cream would hit the spot. Again NOT being my spawn, ES refused his favorite chocolate ice cream. I finally convinced him to get some but in a bowl and not a cone, less to eat that way, and he did and enjoyed it.
By the time we got home, ES's sinuses and head were so plugged up he wasn't getting airflow through his nose whatsoever. And the mucus was dripping down his upper lip and into his open mouth. I had to blast them open with some really strong nasal spray. Later on he started feeling warm so I had to add some Tylenol to the mix.
I decided to call off work and take him to the doc today. Well.......
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Power Outage
At 2:05 a.m. Grau returns home from work to discover our power is out. Then he proceeds to tell me about the weather.
About 5:40 my phone starts ringing off the hook. "This is work with a courtesy call. Are you able to get out of your garage?" I say, "No problem, considering I don't have a garage" after stumbling in the pitch darkness of my home to get to my phone, hurting myself. "Well, you be really careful coming in this morning. If we don't see you by 6:30 a.m. we're sending out a search party. Rockford's had well over 8 inches of rain so far." I say, "This is a good theory and all, but if it's that bad out who are you going to be sending out my way!?!" "Not to mention the fact there's a total of 6 nursing staff employees on duty on 3rd shift, two nurses and 4 aides." Who would they spare and who'd be crazy enough to do such a thing!?! Nah, I'd be floating along my merry little way, down the road, in my minivan. Thanks for the setiment but I tend think they were just calling to make sure that I was awake and coming in to relieve them.
Right before I head out the door, Grau confirms the conditions in Rockford and tells me to be really careful driving to work. I know he's just looking out for me but...
Honestly, I didn't take too much stock in the warnings because Rockford was hit hard and bad and usually we don't get anything as near as severe as they do. That, and I really didn't want to scare myself more while concentrating on driving. Thank goodness I was correct in my assumptions. I took it slower than usual in case of flooding, but the road was just wet and not really slick.
The rainfall out here barely left standing water in the ditches although we took quite a pounding ourselves. I guess we're lacking in rainfall because it was soaking into the ground pretty well. I've been told at least one family lost their house and both of their vehicles to flooding in Rockford. There were also reports of vehicles floating down the roadways due to the flooding. And now they're concerned that the dam at Aldeen Park in Rockford won't hold much longer and will flood the area. Yeah, Rockford got hit much harder I'd say.
Anyways, I had to turn my bright lights on to pull into the parking lot at work. There are barricades all over the place due to massive road construction, the barricades nearly block off the driveway to my work, and both sides of the road have huge drop offs that have all been dug out that are a tad rough to hit. Then I quickly realize it's darker than pitch out there, the lights in the parking lot aren't on and I can hear the backup generators running outside.
Shit.....we have no power in a nursing home. The backup generator doesn't put any lights on in the rooms, the dining room, the kitchen (but the oven works), very few lights work in the hallways, few work at the nurses station, no hot water because the water heaters are electric, there's no a/c, the stench permeating throughout the building is enough to gag a maggot, and we can't flush the toilets due to lowered water pressure. Yeah, and the previous shift helped out quite well: "We made sure all the windows and curtains were shut to try and keep it cool." Well, us day walkers couldn't handle the stench anymore and cranked open the windows. We did get some airflow at least and we didn't toss our cookies. But it sure was muggy in there and we're all cooling ourselves with cold washcloths throughout the morning.
The power had gone out about 2 a.m. and we were without power until 9 a.m. 7 hours, well after the sun has risen and things are starting heat up outside. Hot and humid, floors are sticky and slippery and the place stinks to high heaven without proper air circulation. I had to dress folks in the dark, wash them with lukewarm water, I couldn't see to shave the men folk and hoped the were dressed, clean, and upright in one piece. Everything turned out o.k. so maybe I do my best work in the dark, lol!
A most beautiful start to my day......
On the up side, the dietary manager pulled out some 12 packs of pop from our pop machine supply for all of us (since we couldn't get any out of the machine) and brought everyone in creme filled long johns for us all to feast on this morning. Yum...
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Wish Me Good Luck!
Tomorrow I'm headed to apply for a new line of work. A school bus driver is what I'm trying to get. They start drivers out between $15.00 to $17.00 an hour and you can work as much as you like. I'm sure I'll have to be fingerprinted, background checked and tested for drugs but I have nothing to hide and don't do that shit. Not to mention the fact I have a perfect driving record and I'm sure I can handle getting a CDL license. Heck, I learned how to drive on a stick shift tractor, pulling a kicker baler out in the fields on the farm. I think I can manage to learn to drive an automatic bus on the road. And, it's not like we live in a big city either so I don't have to worry about that kind of traffic to deal with.
Yeah, I think I could put up with screaming banshee kids and all the other bullshit that goes along with it for that kind of cash flow. It sure has to be better than being a professional punching bag, putting up with delusional family members and making $5.00 less an hour than their highest starting wages for such an honor. (Dripping in heavy sarcasm).
I even went so far as to make sure that I have 3 solid and good references ready to go as well. I got them today. They're all co-workers so they would be able to give a solid statement about my work and my personality. More references will be available upon request. I have more people to ask if they'd be willing to give me a reference or not.
Yeah, I'm ready for a change. Can you tell!?!
Deep Thoughts Of The Day
What do you call a man with no arms or legs hanging on a wall....Art.
What do you call a man with no arms or legs in the water....Bob.
What do you call a man with no arms or legs laying on your floor....Matt.
What do you call a woman with one leg....Eileen.
What do you call an oriental woman with one leg....Irene.
How do you order Chinese food correctly...."I'd like an order of Shrimp Flied Lice and a fuck." Translation: Shrimp Fried Rice and a fork :)
Friday, July 20, 2007
Spirit Animals
Your Score: The Bat
Here's your results! Your spirit animal has a Nobility ranking of 9 out of 18.

Your spirit animal is the bat. They are remakable creatures that guide themselves through the night using sonar. They are a fairly common spirit animal, but are neither exceptional nor despisable in regards to nobility. Being nocturnal, they have not really "seen the light", and there is much they are still unaware of, but they have their own special way of navigating the world, which though unconventional, works just fine.
***Wondering how this animal was chosen for you? These questions were carefully thought out to see how important you hold certain virtues such as: humanism, self-knowledge, rationalism, the love of freedom and other somewhat Hellenic ideals. Some of the questions were very subtle. Your score was then matched with an animal of corresponding nobility. However, you shouldn't think this was a right/wrong sort of test, but more of an idealistic values test. It's ok to not hold these values, you'll just get an animal spirit of lower stature if you do!***
Link: The What is Your Spirit Animal Test written by FindingEros on OkCupid, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
H/T to Mrs. Who and VW Bug.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Smooth And Creamy
Maranda Rites -- [adjective]: Similar to butter in texture and appearance 'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at |
H/T to Wes
On A Brighter Note
I'm not going to review it. I don't want to spoil it for those that want to see it that haven't yet.
Great movie, like all of the Harry Potter movies have been. This one has alot more plot to it than the previous movies and if you're like me and have a hard time understanding different accents, you really have to pay attention to what they're saying.
Way too much popcorn, pop, and milk duds. A good time was had by all!
Our next movie of choice to take both spawn to: Underdog!
Medicare And The Elderly
I even looked up the dental coverage in his Medicare book and it's listed under the huge DOES NOT COVER list.
Guess what? He fell last night and broke his hip. You can break your hip in 3 different spots and his broke in the worst possible spot it can break, at the bottom of the ball joint. Now he has to have complete hip replacement surgery, if he survives the surgery.
Now, had he been able to have proper dental care, he would have been able to eat better, he wouldn't have been so weak, he wouldn't have lost so much weight and maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't be in the position he is in now. Stuck in a hospital bed, with an IV running in his arm, an oxygen tube stuck in his nose, awaiting major surgery.
My theory is that it would have cost the government a whole lot less for this man to have the proper dental care he needed in the first place as opposed to having a $50,000.00 hip put in him. Not to mention the cost of the doctors, hospital, rehabilitation and/or possible LTC placement which he may end up requiring. Not to mention all the pain and suffering he has to endure. It's an extremely high price to pay because Medicare won't cover dental expenses.
The cost and pain endured from a few teeth extractions and a bottom denture pale in comparison to a broken hip.
Just Say No!

Blech! Bad news. A combination that should have never come to be. Just say no to them. Save yourselves.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
A Couple More Pics From Today

Elderspawn out on the volleyball field. He looks so thrilled to be doing this. He really doesn't like any sports to speak of.

Pics From Today

I got in on the action for one race. They needed another person so I decided to race my own boy.

Elderspawn getting ready to head down the ramp in his Cubmobile.

This is where Elderspawn used his legs to stop, popped a wheelie and got all banged and bruised up.

Back of Elderspawn's calf. You really can't see the bruising below the scrape in this pic because of the flash but it's pretty. I'm more worried about the ankle on his other leg. It's a bit swollen right now, but he says it doesn't hurt and he's walking fine on it.

**Edit** I haven't figured out how that boy didn't break a bone. This morning both legs have huge, dark black bruises on the backs of them. The only thing I can figure out is that he must have gotten his dad's strong bones.
What A Day....
When I pull up to unload the van a few other scout's parents came out to help. Well, lo and behold when one of them opened up the tail of the van 5 of those 3 foot sections toppled out onto the ground. Thank goodness they were all on cardboard and wrapped up in plastic bags.
We managed to get it all unloaded, the sandwiches put back together, the totes of stuff unloaded and set out.
Then I headed out to see how the activity set up were coming along. We had:
Cubmobile Races: Ramps, cars and helmets all set up and ready to go.
Volleyball Net: In the process of being set up.
Relay Races: Person running bringing the stuff for it and running it: nowhere to be found, yet. I had brought ropes for 3-legged races and sacks for potato sack races so I pulled them out and had them ready to go.
Shortly after she does arrive, another one of the parents comes up to me to inform me that youngerspawn peed in his pants and asked if I had brought extra clothes. NOPE! He hasn't wet himself for a long time so I figured he'd be fine. Guess I was wrong.
Luckily, the person running the relay races had extra clothes in her van that fit him.
But after that, I kept losing track of her and where she was setting up the relay races. All the while I'm trying to split the kids into 3 different age groups and get things started during which The Cubmaster kept saying to me, "Maranda, what are we doing, what are we doing" all the while I AM SPEAKING. I turned to him and simply stated that I had just said what we were doing had he been listening. Then he tells me not to let my anger show. Don't talk over me and I won't get pissed off, umkay? And, that wasn't anger rearing it's ugly head simply my irritation at you! Then, one of the adult volunteers comes up to me whining (yes, actually whining) about how she wanted to help out with the food and not the volleyball. Now, we had a planning meeting for this activity, which she didn't attend. I sent out numerous emails to which she never responded. And there's a wonderful invention called the telephone. Learn to use it. You don't say anything to me, I put the volunteers where they're needed. I don't wanna hear it.
After this, the day progressed fairly well. That is until it was Elderspawn's group's turn at the Cubmobile races. I missed his first race and asked him to race again so I could get a picture of him. He agreed and lo and behold when he got to the end of the racing area he put his feet down to stop himself instead of using the brake on the car. He managed to get both feet down, bent underneath, and stuck. Even the back wheel of the car was up in the air. He managed to run right over his own legs. He got some nice scrapes and bruises out of that one and where he scraped up his ankle it was a bit swollen but luckily no broken bones that I know of. Figures, only my kids would cause a raucous.
Chow time came, and it wasn't set up in the most convenient of ways. The plasticware and napkins were all sitting on top of coolers instead of sitting on the tables so many people missed where they were at and had to come back for them. And the desserts weren't on the food tables. Heck, they hadn't even been opened. I remedied that one in a hurry. Then we had to make up more lemonade, so of course I had to get the water and mix to make it up and more ice to pour into it to get it cold. Of course, everyone kept on pulling me here there and everywhere so I really never got to eat.
Then, we had popcorn sale prizes to hand out to everyone. Luckily that only took a few minutes to do but I had to get all the kids from the playground out in the park so they could get their prizes. And we were behind schedule.
Then, clean up time came. We had over 9 feet of sub sandwich left to divide up, tablecloths to rip off, tables to scrub down, garbage to pick up and a ton of stuff to load up and haul out, etc., etc., etc. I had to cut out early. Sorry guys. We had the subs packed up and divided up, tablecloths off, most things loaded back up, tables scrubbed and garbage picked up when I left. Needless to say though, I had to put the hammer to the floor getting home and I was still 5 minutes late getting there. Grau really had to punch it to get to work on time.
And it's only 4 p.m. right now
We did have a good 80 to 90 people in attendance today. We did have beautiful weather considering we were supposed to have had isolated thunderstorms this morning. I guess I should be happy about that.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Life Cut Short
The tears fall down my cheeks just thinking about those poor children. Knowing that I have a 10 year old and a 4 year old myself. Thinking about something like this happening to them. Fire, scares me to death.
Is everyone out there in blogland who is from Florida o.k.?
Funny For The Day
A middle-aged businessman took a young woman half his age as his wife. The fantasy of having a young woman in his bed soon became a nightmare when he found that he could not last long enough to satisfy his young bride.
His wife, as understanding as she was exciting, told him that all was well even if he was quick to get out of the saddle.
Determined to satisfy this sweet young thing, the man visited the doctor to get some advice.
"Doctor, I can't seem to hold back for very long when I make love to my young wife and I can't satisfy her. What can I do?"
The doctor smiled, patted him on the shoulder, and said in a professional manner, "Try a bit of self-stimulation before having intercourse with your wife and you'll find that you'll last longer and ultimately satisfy her."
"Okay, Doctor. If you think that will help."
Later that afternoon, his young bride called him at work to let him know that she would be attacking him at the front door when he arrived home.
"Be prepared, my darling. I'm going to ravish you," she cooed over the phone.
Undaunted, the man decided to follow the doctor's advice. But where? In the office? The Xerox room? What if someone walked in on him?
He got in his truck and began the journey home. Soon he decided he would find a spot on the road to pull over, climb underneath the truck and pretend to be inspecting the rear axle, and do the deed there.
A moment later, he pulled over, crawled beneath the truck, closed his eyes tightly, fantasized about his young wife, and began his "therapy".
A few minutes later, just as he was about to complete his therapy session, he felt someone tugging on his pants leg. Keeping his eyes tightly shut to avoid ruining the fantasy he was enjoying, he said, "Yes?"
"Sir, I'm with the Police Department. Could you tell me what you are doing, please?" said the officer.
"Yes, officer, I'm inspecting my truck's rear axle," he replied confidently.
"Well, why don't you check the brakes while you're down there. Your truck rolled down the hill a few minutes ago."
Hot Surnames
What she needs is a hot, sexy, and erotic surname to use not just your run of the mill kind of surname.
Now, gentlemen and some ladies too for that matter, I know you've all been to strip clubs. At least those of you guys who are on the straight and narrow path. And I'm sure you can come up with a name or two for CJ to use.
Heck, the only names I can come up with are:
Glitter Pasties, Glowing Flaming Pasties, Cherry Pop, Cotton Candy, and Wanderlust.
Pretty pathetic on my part. These are only parts of names I can remember from the Surprise Party I attended last Fall. And before you ask, yes I had fun and that's all I'm going to say to that one!