When I started this blog, it was supposed to be a fun outlet to me. Random crap that popped in my mind at any given time was posted. Most of it was pretty stupid stuff, I admit it, because I was so exhausted and stressed out all the time it's all my mind could come up with. That's why I chose to delete it when I restarted my blog.
Now, my posts are sporadic and I could careless if I post or not. Only when I really need to say something or something strikes my fancy or when I can find the time to sit down and write do I post. Being a single mom takes up most of time time nowadays anyways.
A quarter of the stress in my life is gone. Another quarter will be gone when things are finalized finally. Yeah, I've actually put a little weight back on. I badly needed it and I need more.
Another quarter has to do with the boys' medical problems worsening, having to get them taken care of and dealing with my cut in hours as well. Many people are getting their hours cut nowadays. It sucks big time.
The other quarter, well, I'll just have to deal with it. That won't go away for a long, long time. I won't get into that part right now. I may post about it. I may not. We'll see how things go from here on out.
To be perfectly honest with ya'll, I've never been more content and happy to be in my own home than I have been in years. I enjoy being home for a change. Of course a mobile home isn't some people's idea of a home, but, it's home to me. But there are a few people around here I could live without but you can get that anywhere you live. You just shut up and put up I guess.
Yeah, I've actually put a little weight back on. I badly needed it and I need more. I was down to 105 pounds and a measily size 4 jeans. I looked sick and gaunt. I'm starting to look better at 117 pounds. I'd like to be around 125 pounds again. I felt and looked healthy then. I'm slowly getting there and hope to be back there soon!
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