This morning I had told him about the show that they put on there such as jousting on horseback, sword fighting, etc.
Now, having gone to many reinactments with his dad, I figured this would be something he would really enjoy.
Yeah, not so much. Seems that they no longer include a beverage with the meal that was $21.00, a reduced rate because they had a fundraiser for this trip. You have to pay for the drinks seperately. Mom didn't know this, didn't send money with him and he ended up having to drink a bottle of water instead.
The announcer was way too loud for his taste. He said he was screaming over the microphone. But you have to be loud for everyone in the audience to hear you, right?
As for the show, well it wasn't "educational" enough for him. I had told him this morning that it was just a show and it was for fun.
Welp, so much for Medeival Times and Elderspawn! Next.
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