Next thing I know - beep, beep, beep - peer out the window and what do I see? Sunlight. Uh oh, hit the snooze one too many times. It's now 7:15. First bus arrives in 15 minutes.
Can she do it? Why yes, yes, of course she can. She's supermom!
And it goes a little something like this:
"Oh, shit, I overslept. (running around like a chicken with its head cut off) ES, YS get up now, we gotta make those buses. We've got 15 minutes."
YS comes staggering out, mom throws clothes on him, wets down and brushes hair, whips the coat, boots, hat, mittens and backpack on, hands him a breakfast bar, gives him a hug and a kiss and sends him out the door in 10 minutes flat.
All the while ES has joined the fun by passing out cold on the living room floor. "Not gonna make it mom."
Oh, if supermom can do it once she can do it again. And she did. 10 minutes later ES is headed on his way with a breakfast bar and a can of orange pop in tow. Ummm, sugar, one of the 4 basic food groups!
Now she starts the race to get to work on time. Teeth, hair, deo, clothes, shoes, coat, purse, keys. Hmm...what's she forgetting? Oh, yeah a can of coca cola. Yeah, two of the 4 basic food groups. Sugar and caffeine. By now, she needs it. Forget the breakfast bar. And she's out the door in nothing flat arriving at work one minute early.
Man, am I good or what!?!
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