The picnic was fun until Contagion decided that it would be a great idea to start a food fight with me. It wasn't just any food though, it was raw, bloody ground beef he started chucking at me. He was supposed to be making hamburger patties out of the ground beef. Then he decided it to be a good idea to chase me with a 3 pronged meat tenderizer! Can you say Scarey!! This wasn't a good first impression to make on someone.
Contagion at this time was still in high school, about to graduate and enter into college. He was going for a law degree, which he did successfully obtain, and was very much into his plans. He often times would joke around "reading me my rights". He also always called me Maranda. Well this was my name for the next two years or so. It never bothered me that he didn't call me by my real name, but I wondered why he did so. Finally, curiousity got the best of me, not sure if I really wanted to know though, I asked him why he called me Maranda. Honestly, he thought it was my real name so that's why he called me that. He hasn't called me that since.
When it came time for me to name my blog, I thought back to this and this is how my blog name and screen name came to life.
Thanks Contagion for giving me my new name!
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