Field trip day. We hopped the school buses at the school and headed to the train station in Harvard today.
The big train ride:

All of the kids thought it was really cool to ride on the top level of the big
Metra Train! They rode the train all the way from Harvard to Crystal Lake. About a 20 minute ride. And they all sat still and in their seats!
They met the buses at the train station in Crystal Lake and reloaded all 4 Kindergarten classes and headed to the
Veterans Acre Park. We spent the whole day at the park. Most of the time the kids played on the playground epuiptment. After lunch we took a nice leisurely stroll around the pond, crossed the bridges, up the hills, around the curving bends and landed on the boat launch. Then, they played on the playground some more before it was time to play some games.
The boat launch:

Before they could play games though, all the kids had to roll down the big steep hill to get to the area where the games were at.
That big, steep hill:

I was about half way down when I snapped the pic so it was bigger than it looks!
First they played duck duck goose, then they played with a really big parachute and last they got to play with bubbles. Then we took a nice leisurely stroll back up that big steep hill so the kids could play on the playground even more!
When it was time to leave, youngerspawn asked me if I could take him to a park when we got home! It simply amazes me how much energy one little six year old has in him! That little boy played hard!
All in all it was a nice, leisurely day at the park for us adults. We got to sit around chit chatting most of the time while the kids played together.
It was also very successful day I might add. No fights broke out, no broken bones occurred, no blood spurted out anywhere, no eyeballs popped out of their sockets, not one single kid took a header into the pond and we returned with as many kids as we left with!
And all the kids had a blast together!
A beautiful day indeed!